Three Reasons to Avoid Commercial Pet Food

Avoid Digestive Problems

Today, even the best intentioned of pet owners can unknowingly find themselves feeding their dogs and cats the toxic residues of factory-farmed antibiotic-fed, hormone-laced cows and chickens and sheep, mixed with spoiled grains and some rancid oil.The consequences can produce various ailments to the digestive system leading to medical conditions such as allergies and weight gain. Dogs fed with good homemade pet food are better nourished, have superior breath,has fewer gas problems and minor thicker stools. Preventive measures such as watching our loving pet's diet will ensure a longer quality happier life.

Avoid Processed Pet Foods

Whether sold in cans or frozen packages, commercial cat and dog food is high in sodium, which is bad for your pet. Better choices would be to feed your dog or cat a home made diet of meat, eggs, canned fish with bone (Jack Mackerel, Pink Salmon), ground eggshells (or another calcium supplement), cooked pasta, bread products, cooked brown rice, oatmeal, vegetables and other healthy table leftovers.

Buy Quality, Save Money for Your Pet

Buying commercial pet food will not only put a dent into your pockets in terms of cost, but also in terms of medical costs associated with an non-nutritious and poor quality dog food. Dog owners can make healthy meals from leftovers at home, combined with nutritional ingredients that will not only save money, it will also contribute to a more healthy and stable diet for our loving family pet as well. To make a long story short, home made pet food is best for your loving pet.

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